Events for 2023

Phillip Lundie - 1/12/2023

The Mecosta VFW has started planning events for 2023. With the events planned at the VFW and in the community, there is a lot of events this year. January 12 kicks off the first Mecosta VFW Euchre League. This is a progressive league meaning you change partners every game. Euchre leagues in the future will be adjusted by what we see happening with this league. The cost to enter the 12-week league is $50 which includes a league t-shirt. that's $5 a week.
In February the Remus Bowling Center will be hosting the Michigan Honor Flight Bowling Tournament more information to follow. The Mecosta VFW will host an event for the area Little League in April to help cover the costs of repairing the baseball fields. The Larry Lovejoy Memorial Cornhole Tournament and Chicken Dinner will be held on May 27th at noon. Chicken Dinner pending we will decide to try another dish if we have trouble getting the chicken this year. May 29th at 9 and 11 AM the Mecosta VFW will participate in the Memorial Day Parades in Remus and Mecosta respectively. Any local veterans who wish to join us in marching is welcome. On June 30th Mecosta will have its Car Show from 2 to 5. With an Elvis show following. So, dust off your blue suede shoes and get into town on the 30th. The Mecosta VFW will host another Suicide Prevention Seminar on September 30th. With multiple speakers and venders in attendance. We are unsure of what food we will have this time around. But if it is anything like the chili from November's event than its well worth the free price of admission. September's event we are hoping to have an organization that certifies Service Animals in attendance. So, if you think your dog has what it takes come and find out how you can get your dog certified.
With 2023 still in its infancy we are expecting a lot more events to be added in the future. Including the possibility of a cornhole league this summer.